For an industry like insurance that is both complex and often misunderstood by consumers, marketing is a must. Independent agencies have ample opportunities to grow and add new business, but to really drive sales, there must be better, more coordinated marketing efforts.

Insurance agents are largely playing catch-up since marketing has not historically been a priority for this industry segment outside of some local advertising.

Collectively, independent insurance agents have never developed a reputation as early adopters and that has proven to be the case on the marketing front as well. While some agencies have taken steps to implement state-of-the-art agency management systems (AMS) and customer relationship management systems (CRM), many lag behind and are unaware of the options available.

Where does one start to improve marketing when marketing best practices have not previously been foremost on an agency’s agenda? Of course, we need to adopt technology and supportive marketing more rapidly than before. Technology aside, simply adopting better training measures can prove incredibly beneficial.

Read the full article, written by Doug Coombs, Chief Marketing Officer at SIAA, published April 12, 2024 in The Standard. Reprinted with permission from The Standard, Copyright 2024, Standard Publishing Corporation, Boston, MA. All rights reserved.

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