Aon promoted Vincent Flood to commercial risk property leader for North America, effective immediately.

“Flood brings to the role significant experience brokering some of the most sophisticated property programs in our industry – across multiple industry sectors, including real estate, financial institutions and technology – and he is a committed mentor who will focus on further developing our team and offerings in the region,” said Brian Wanat, head of commercial risk solutions in North America for Aon.

Flood, who joined Aon over 27 years ago, most recently served as chief broking officer for the firm’s national property practice. Based in the New York office, he has led the design and implementation of complex global risk transfer programs, including captive programs, catastrophe coverage, and engineering solutions.

Flood’s promotion follows the passing of Rick Miller, an industry leader, in April. In his new role, Flood will continue to build on the legacy of his predecessor, focusing on the development of Aon’s team and offerings in the region. &

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